Web & Code

Meet Our Authors: Nicdark

Meet Our Authors: Nicdark

Today we’re catching up with Nicolò and Giulia, the dynamic duo behind Power Elite Author nicdark, who have accrued over 42 thousand sales! Join us as they give us the history of nicdark and what they love about their work.

My independence and full power over my day are the things I love about my job. I can decide how many hours to work, where to work and what project to do.

Nicolò Envato Author Nicdark

Introduce Nicdark to our community

Hi! We are Nicolò and Giulia, and we are colleagues and partners in life. We’re parents of a beautiful daughter Aurora and we have a lazy and sweet cat named Tiffany. We live in a fantastic place in the north east of Italy. We love where we live; we’re half an hour’s drive from the Dolomites mountains, the sea, Lake Garda and Venice, the famous city built on the water.

Tell us about what you do and your work

Our work mainly focuses on creating themes for WordPress, the CMS we love. We also develop custom plugins to be able to offer extra features for the sector where we make the theme.

How did you get started as an Author on Envato?

I (Nicolò) used to work as an employee in a web agency, which is where I was when I joined Envato as an Author. I was only able to dedicate about half an hour a day to working on my ThemeForest projects.

After a few months, the earnings I received from ThemeForest were 2-3 times as much as my earnings as an employee. I decided at that moment that working as an Envato Author and starting my own company was the best fit for me. So, I left my job at the web agency.

After a few months my wife (Giulia) also joined and we became a team at work like we are at home. Now we work together and we not only dedicate ourselves to the creation of themes but also to technical support, social media management, documentation and video production.

Sneakeri - Sports Shoes Store Elementor Pro Template Kit by nicdark
Sneakeri – Sports Shoes Store Elementor Pro Template Kit by nicdark

What do you love about your work, and why?

My independence and full power over my day are the things I love about my job. I can decide how many hours to work, where to work and what project to do. Not depending on anyone makes me live the day well and waking up in the morning knowing that I can organize myself as I wish is something I love.

How has Envato helped you to grow your career?

The competition among Authors on ThemeForest has been a key factor in helping me improve my skills and abilities as a web developer. With the high level of quality expected from customers, I have been pushed to deliver better products and improve on my existing abilities. Through various projects, I have honed my coding skills and increased my understanding of the latest web technologies.

I have also become better at designing, creating, and optimizing websites for the best user experience, thanks to the advice and feedback from other Authors on Envato.

What or who inspires you?

There is no particular person who inspires me but I admire the lifestyle of some people. I love hard workers who manage to get unimaginable results without neglecting their passions. It’s amazing to witness people who are able to successfully balance work with their personal life.

What is your advice for creating a successful portfolio?

I believe that success is not always accompanied by one single factor. In our case, we’ve certainly gotten there through consistency, hard work and determination. That is what helped us get nicdark to Power Elite level. The advice I would give to my past self would be to always pursue my goals and work hard to achieve them.

In addition, we’re lucky to have ‘discovered’ ThemeForest when we did, at its greatest moment of expansion. That certainly contributed to the rapid growth of our company.

Kenneli - Animal Shelter & Pet Care Elementor Pro Template Kit by nicdark
Kenneli – Animal Shelter & Pet Care Elementor Pro Template Kit by nicdark

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