Web & Code

Featured Author: Meet ArrowHiTech

Our mission is to bring magical things to E-commerce platforms.


Our latest interview features talented Power Elite author, ArrowHiTech based in Vietnam. Get to know their story and top learnings in the world of themes, and why great work comes from loving what you do. 

Tell us about yourself.

We are highly experienced developers from ArrowHiTech Jsc Vietnam, specializing in themes, plugins, extensions and other supporting tools for E-commerce platforms such as Magento, Shopify and WordPress.

Our slogan is: “The only way to do great work is to love what you do.”

To what do you attribute your success – how is your business unique?

We don’t only provide modern and attractive e-commerce themes, but we also find ways to extend more and more features from primary ones. We have done a lot of research to find out the demands of the market and to manufacture our products to meet these needs. 

We always try to contribute to the E-commerce area through our products and our hearts.

What do you love about your work and why?

For us, coding is an amazing area that we can freely be creative and turn our ideas into real websites, real products.

Within over 9 years working in the E-commerce area, we believe that we have enough passion to pursue this journey. We create products with care, the inspiration and the effort to make them as best as possible.

What’s the most challenging thing about your work?

We think that there are three things that we consider to be obstacles related to developers ourselves. The first one is about coding skills. We have to study and upgrade ourselves day by day, even hour by hour. Technology is improving significantly, and if the developer cannot change himself, he will not be able to keep up with the trends.

The second one is about accommodating skills. We have to know what the market needs and try to use our products to fulfil these requirements. Our vision depends on the customers’ obligation, however, sometimes we have to go faster to meet their demand right before they show that they need it.

The third one is about language and customs. We are from Vietnam, but almost all of our customers are from other continents, so some differences between language, culture, or time working, can make us feel confused. However, nowadays there are more and more strong technological companies that we have to compete with. To be honest, that is so depressing, actually!

Is where you live a good place to be a creative professional and why?

In recent years, Vietnam has become one of the most attractive markets for the IT field. We are so proud that our country is a good place for any agency to be a creative professional. 

What or who inspires you and why?

As coders, we have to work in a team so we inspire each other, actually. We always try our best to create a creative and friendly working environment. Whenever someone feels exhausted, we stay together and share with his/her difficulties and try to find the solution. We consider each other as family who stand by our side under any circumstances.

What are some of the biggest lessons that have impacted your work?

We think that the biggest lessons come from our own mistakes, our own stumbles. Each time we recognize we are wrong, we try to get over it and learn from it.Besides, we also look at other competitors and try to learn lessons from them. The more we learn, the better we can try to be.

What is your most memorable customer/client story on Envato?

We really want to tell a story of our client on ThemeForest. He was so enthusiastic that he bought every one of our Magento themes. He said that he had been a fan of ArrowHiTech for such a long while and that is the reason why he supports all of our products. He has been one of the most memorable clients for us so far.

What is your advice to other authors regarding how to create a successful portfolio?

Work with your whole heart and try as best you can. In order to go far, we should go slow and steady. 

Apart from yourself, who is your favorite marketplace author, and why do you like them?

P-themes, for us they are a very strong competitor on Envato! Their products are extremely impressive and their marketing strategy also really deserves to be learnt.

How do you balance work and family life?

It has been so hard to balance between them, but each of us know the importance of both work and family life. We’re so happy that our family understands our work and has sympathy towards our business. They always try to be the supporters who back us up whenever we are tired and exhausted. That is the reason why we keep trying everyday in order not to let our work affect the private life. 

What are your hobbies and interests outside of work?

We are fond of working and playing together. So after work, we often chat and share everything to better our relationships. Sometimes, we have some team building trips, picnics and travels to Vietnam’s sightseeing. It is very fun when you can let your hair down with your team members and bring all these enjoyable things to your work.

What are your plans for the future?

We are going to keep working towards our dream and try our best to pursue this passion. We want to expand the customer scope all over the world and contribute to the development of E-commerce. Hope that you will continue to support us and our next products!

This is just a snapshot. You can view ArrowHiTech’s full portfolio here. If you have any questions, want to continue the conversation, jump over to the forums and say hello!

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